

Sign your child up for AWANA, starts September11th~

Each of our services use Worldly, a free language translation app that you can use right in your phone, so you can understand all that is said in our service in YOUR language! To use, simply scan the QR code below, or if attending in person, you’ll find a code and info on the back of each pew. All are welcome, and we help to ensure that all will hear the message of Jesus! 

Sunday Morning                      ESL-8:30am – resumes Sept.
Sunday School-9:00am
Worship Service-10:30am

Monday Evening  Men of the Shore (men’s bible study) 7:00pm

Tuesday Evening
Teen Youth Group-6:00pm – resumes Sept.

Wednesday Evening
Awana Clubs-6:30pm – resumes Sept.
Bible Study & Prayer 7:00pm – resumes Sept.

Contact us at 860-669-2155   70 East Main St Clinton, CT 06413

Upcoming Events