Pastor’s Blog

  • John 6:1-10 – Have a Seat

    John 6 gives us the account of Jesus feeding the multitude of people (5,000 men – v.10, in addition to the women & children) with five loaves of bread and […]

  • Just As I Was With Moses

    Have you ever had one of those days (weeks, months, etc.) where you just don’t feel right? You can’t quite put your finger on an exact cause, but you just […]

  • Certainty of Christ

      It has been said that there are only two things that are certain in this life: death and taxes. I praise King Jesus that He opposes that statement. As […]

  • Ps. 94:19 – The Multitude of Our Anxieties

    I don’t know about you, but I sure can relate to the Psalmist in this verse. On any given day at any given moment, the multitude of anxieties within me […]

  • What Do You Crave?

    If you’re like me, you get cravings from time to time. You know, those deep, intense cravings for your favorite snack or food, usually late at night, at the end […]

  • True Thanksgiving

    The last few days I’ve been pondering and praying about a few thoughts I’ve had for a new blog. Many ideas, but didn’t feel confident any of them were what God wanted […]

  • Don’t Lose Heart

    Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Don’t stop. Don’t lose heart. We’ve all heard this before (perhaps from a certain long-winded Pastor); usually at the point of exhaustion physically, mentally, emotionally […]

  • The Truth Hurts

    “Sometimes the truth hurts.” Have you ever heard that? I have. I’ve said it countless times in my life. Problem is,it was usually when I was being a little less […]

  • Fruit of the Spirit

    It’s the same way with us spiritually speaking. In Galatians 5:16-26 we see the kind of fruit we are to produce as believers and followers of Jesus Christ. The fruit […]

  • Psalm 119:37

    One of the many blessings God has given me and recently has reminded me of is my loving wife. One of her greatest qualities I admire is her hunger and […]

Sunday Morning                      ESL-8:30am – resumes Sept.
Sunday School-9:00am
Worship Service-10:30am

Monday Evening  Men of the Shore (men’s bible study) 7:00pm

Tuesday Evening
Teen Youth Group-6:00pm – resumes Sept.

Wednesday Evening
Awana Clubs-6:30pm – resumes Sept.
Bible Study & Prayer 7:00pm – resumes Sept.

Contact us at 860-669-2155   70 East Main St Clinton, CT 06413

Upcoming Events